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Our Torturous Contempt for the Moral Compass


1180x585mm 2015-16 Acrylic on wood panel… We beat it, stab it, burn it, cut it, bribe it, hide and cover up the damage, brand it, pin life to it, shoot it, spear it with our wars to pieces, distract it, fill it with dis-ease, hooks and catches but most painful of all is we neglect it, allowing it to loose direction and wither. To be a functioning muscle it needs regular maintenance and kindness. Pure poetic mythology built so meticulously The masters of the hive have been making plans, busy little bees are they. Building, building, building their strategies with the visionary foresight of ignorarrogance. To do to others what no one should have to survive,endure or be obliterated by for nothing more than rich dirt or a kickback. A precipice; a free fall of power gobbling machines frantically made aware of its self cannibalism yet unaware of its insatiable hunger. A bi-fold evolution, those of the land and those of the gunpowder. The weapons are winning right now because the children are dying, the witnesses distracted and the actors feel no shame. Faith is no longer a factor because the idolised death tools are gods now and trade unrestrained amongst all the killer faithful. No matter what persuasion or belief, you are banked on by the payroll master with imaginary money, factory lines while their sticky ears, eyes and electric glares are looking to see if you know the plans, if you in on the game or do you pose a threat. The people of the lands I pray you not corrupted and that you see things for what they are… Recognise that we have choices to prolong the pain or that every being can do what they can do to turn it around. Have the eyes to see that although it may look bleak at times we can still realise our advantages that numbers and that we know the land. It has come down again to the antique situation where the few want the all the bread, cake and fish eggs and refuse to see the hungry from way up in the towers. I ask that insanity prevail and that all the no matter where you sit on the hierarchy, that ALL warriors realise forgiveness together and turn swords to plowsharesIs this the time for you to turn on your moral compass and understand shit? – really understand it!

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